Following a series of platform outages during historic price action earlier this month, Robinhood, a popular stock and cryptocurrency trading app, now faces some other class action complaint.

The lawsuit, filed March 25, was brought by customer Bruce Queen, on behalf of "all Robinhood customers within the United States who were non able to execute trades on securities or change limit orders during the Outages and incurred financial losses."

Missing the biggest proceeds in Dow history

As Cointelegraph reported, on March ii, the Robinhood suffered technical problems for the entire day, significant customers were unable to merchandise the securities in their accounts for a period of over xvi hours.

This coincided with the then-biggest i-day indicate gain in the Dow Jones stock market index history.

Queen alleges that he had bought put contracts through the platform on Feb. 28, and submitted a sell order for these on March 2. However, he was unable to access the sell order throughout the day and the order was canceled past Robinhood on the morning of March 3. Queen was and then forced to sell his contracts at a lower cost on March 3.

Technical trouble non over for Robinhood

While Queen managed to sell his contracts on March 3, Robinhood's technical problems were far from over. The platform went offline again for around 3 hours that twenty-four hour period, reportedly due to an unprecedented load caused by a record book of trades.

A week later on March nine the platform suffered another outage, with customers unable to buy or sell securities on the public market. This third outage coincided with a major crash across stock markets, with the Dow losing two,000 points and the Nasdaq Composite index falling 7.3%.

Yet more issues with the platform were reported on March 12.

Queen is not claiming losses on behalf of himself during these subsequent outages, merely they are included on behalf of course-action participants who take.

Trying to win back customs trust

Following the repeated outages there was a heated reaction from service users who had lost out. The platform has attempted to win back the trust of affected users in the form of credits, with the exact dollar amount existence decided on a case-to-case basis.

However, information technology seems that this has failed to pacify all of the disgruntled customers, who are at present demanding a jury trial in the class-action accommodate.

Indeed, Robinhood is facing another course-activeness lawsuit related to the platform outages in a United States federal court in Florida.